Environmental consulting is an integral service for all verticals of the cannabis industry. GAIACA offers services including soil testing, hazard analysis, quality control sampling, waste profiling, and more. Read on to learn more about how each vertical of the cannabis industry can utilize GAIACA’s environmental consulting services

How Environmental Consulting with GAIACA Helps You With Regulatory Compliance

Soil Testing

GAIACA technicians are available to consult on specific soil and/or other grow medium utilized by cultivators. Consultations include documentation of particular amendments, fertilizers, or supplements used, as well as collecting soil samples for testing. The analysis may include residual pesticide/fertilizer, heavy metal, microbial, nutrient levels, pH, etc.

Hazard Analysis

Hazard analysis is required by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for cannabis manufacturers. Hazard analysis is a best practice that should be applied to all verticals of the cannabis industry as it is used to first and foremost identify potential hazards in the manufacturing space so cannabis licensee can then identify and implement written preventive controls to provide assurance that any hazards requiring a preventative control will be significantly minimized or prevented such that the manufactured cannabis product is not adulterated or misbranded.

Quality Control Sampling

GAIACA technicians can conduct routine quality control sampling and reporting of cannabis products to meet local and/or State regulatory compliance. GAIACA can provide visual inspection and documentation of product batch selection. Laboratory analysis includes potency (cannabinoid concentration), residual pesticide/fungicide panel, microbial, residual solvent panel, terpenes, etc.

Waste Profiling

Waste profiling is required by the California Department of Public Health. State regulations state that it is the responsibility of the operator to identify their waste streams as waste/cannabis waste/hazardous waste [CDPH regulations, Section 40290 (a)]. It is important to have waste streams identified in order to compliantly dispose of the various types of waste. Hazardous cannabis waste generators face additional layers of regulatory compliance–something that GAIACA can help you navigate as you are setting up your cannabis operation.